get a fresh take from an integrated perspective.


As a Certified Emotionally Focused Therapist and Supervisor, I have completed additional EFT courses including EFIT, AIRM, Sex as a Safe Adventure, Blocks as Opportunities, and Highly Escalated Couples. I also have a Certificate in Applied Mindfulness Meditation from the University of Toronto. I have completed the MBSR program as a participant, and additional workshops in self compassion, infidelity, trauma, Level 1 AEDP, etc. I offer my experience from an integrated and experiential perspective.

specific case

Feeling stumped with a particular case or client? We can discuss what is happening and options to get unstuck.


general concerns

Maybe you are aware of repetitive themes or patterns emerging in your own work that feel difficult. Or perhaps you are curious how to integrate various models or have other questions. Let’s chat!


Private practice

Thinking about opening a private practice or new to it? Let’s talk about what to consider and how to successfully grow your practice.


Clinical Supervision